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Damage Prevention Products for the Adaptable Warehouse

Posted by Evan Oswald on Jan 14, 2015 9:37:28 AM

easeIt’s that time again—you need to maximize efficiencies, streamline operations and re-organize your warehouse. It’s a process that all facility managers are experiencing with the introduction of new technologies and increasing demands for shorter ship times.

You’ve got a plan and a timeline, and are fully prepared to start reconfiguring the warehouse—when you’re suddenly stopped in your tracks by permanently installed damage prevention products.

Your core-drilled bollard is about to destroy the concrete when the contractor removes it. Forget about re-using it in the new layout, there’s no way it will survive being uninstalled… not to mention it’s been dented and chipped and looks terrible anyway.

It’s not just the bollards, you look around the warehouse and realize it’s the rack guards, the column protectors, the pedestrian guard rails—and that slab of concrete you poured to protect your expensive machinery. In order to complete the reconfiguration, all of this needs to be removed and it’s adding up to be a tall, expensive task.

It doesn’t have to be this way. With the advancements made to warehouse operations and layouts, damage prevention products have advanced too. Innovative solutions have been developed and they are easy to replace, remove and install. To keep up with your ever-changing warehouse look for products that are: 

Easy to install

  1. Less is more. A product that can be installed without a contractor digging holes or pouring concrete is a sign it will be easy to remove later. See how simple a bollard installation can be in the video here>>
  2. It’s all about the fixings! Make sure your products are installed with engineered fixings that only a small fillable hole behind.

Easy to remove