Columns, Racking, Walkways & Walls
Providing Protection Where It Matters Most
People Protection
Saving lives is what we do. Knowing that our products may be the reason someone goes home to their family with a story about a close call, instead of the frightening alternative — that’s what drives our innovation and passion.
McCue’s barriers stand up to both day-to-day hits and prevent worst-case scenario accidents.
We'll consult with you to select and place barriers with impact ratings that exceed the impact energy of your material handling vehicles. That’s what true safety is – strength that exceeds the risk.

Facility Protection
Serious accidents can shut down an entire facility. Thankfully, these accidents can be eliminated with our no-maintenance barriers. Our industrial safety barriers are engineered to be hit – your columns, walls, doors, and systems aren’t.
Investing in total facility protection will keep your operations running and save you thousands in maintenance costs down the road.
Be Safe. Use McCue.
Rack Protection
Our rack protection solutions solve for the most common and most dangerous racking problems: from impacts that cause unseen structural weakness, to the most serious problem — entire racking collapse.
Racking is designed in many sizes, styles, and configurations. That's why we have an entire rack protection line to keep your racking intact and your people safe.
Your machines are going to hit something when they enter your aisles at speed and approach your racks. It’s either going to be your racks or our barriers – which do you think is safer?