<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none;" alt="" src="https://dc.ads.linkedin.com/collect/?pid=86108&amp;fmt=gif">

Product Name: Name Goes Here

URL: info.mccue.com

Photo Module

Module will display all product photos

This is where all photos, not just hero shots, will be stored.

This module should:

  • Show photos in a easy and organized manner
  • No limitation to number of photos that can be uploaded
  • Allow you to download a single photo
  • Allow you to download the entire module in a ZIP file
These photos will be original size, not cropped. Need full resolution photos to be available to team. 

PowerPoint Module

Each product at a minimum should have a powerpoint with: Hero shot, video, how it works. Will discuss in more detail.

This module should:

  • Display all PowerPoints
  • No limit to number of PowerPoints included
  • Give preview of PowerPoint selected
  • Download each PowerPoint

Rendering Module

Can be the same dev the photo module

Place for all product renderings to live.

This module should:

  • Show renderings in a easy and organized manner
  • Store all product renderings
  • No limitation to number of renderings that can be uploaded

  • Allow you to download a single rendering
  • Allow you to download the entire module in a ZIP file

Non-Customer Facing Video Module

This section will have any non-customer facing videos that are not able to be included on the product page.

This module should:

  • Display videos
  • No limit to number of videos included
  • Give preview of video selected
  • Download each video

Custom Requests

Can be the same dev the photo module

This module should be a place for all custom requests sales makes, that leads to PD rending something out of marketing photoshoping something. We'll make it available to the entire team.

Downloads (PDFs, Flyers, 3D Files etc.) 

Use "Helpful Documents" module

This is where all non-customer facing PDFs will live.

This module should:

  • Store all PDFs
  • No limit to number of PDFs
  • Allow you to download a single PDF

Didn't find what you're looking for? Message the team for further help.



Add CTA/Form that allows visitor to upload their own product spefic materials, sent to Marketing to  approve and add to site.